Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in Children: A Parent’s Role

Emotional Intelligence in Children

One of the key factors in child development and future achievements is the development of Emotional intelligence (EI). What significance to parents is to equip their kids with emotional intelligence? These include aspects such as conscious of self, managing of self, social aware and relationship management. There is a huge body of research that clearly shows the critical importance of emotional intelligence for leadership effectiveness, both in workplaces, academics and personal success.

Schools equally recognize that subject of social emotional learning (SEL) is essential and including it in the curriculum, is becoming a norm. Although parental involvement is great in helping children build emotional intelligence in general. Helping our kids in their emotional development process allows us to greatly affect their whole wellness.

Key Takeaways of Emotional Intelligence in Children:

  • Emotional intelligence is crucial for a child’s future success and well-being.
  • Parents have the responsibility of cultivating emotional intelligence in their children.
  • Schools are incorporating social and emotional learning into their curricula.
  • By actively participating in our child’s emotional development, we contribute significantly to their overall well-being.
  • Emotional intelligence has a significant impact on leadership effectiveness and overall life success.

The Different Aspects of Emotional Intelligence in Children

Emotional intelligence in children encompasses various aspects that contribute to their emotional development and overall well-being. By understanding these different aspects, parents and educators can effectively nurture and foster emotional intelligence in kids.

  • Self-Awareness: This aspect of emotional intelligence involves accurately assessing one’s feelings, interests, values, and strengths. It helps children develop a deep understanding of their emotions and how they impact their thoughts and behaviors.
  • Self-Management: Self-management refers to the ability to regulate emotions and handle stress, control impulses, and persevere through obstacles. It equips children with the necessary skills to manage their emotions effectively and make sound decisions.
  • Social Awareness: Social awareness revolves around empathizing with others and recognizing individual and group differences. It enables children to understand and appreciate the emotions and perspectives of others, fostering empathy and inclusivity.
  • Relationship Management: Relationship management focuses on establishing and maintaining healthy relationships based on cooperation, effective communication, and conflict resolution. It equips children with the skills necessary to build positive connections with others and navigate interpersonal dynamics.

These aspects of emotional intelligence are interconnected and essential for a child’s emotional development, helping them navigate challenges, cultivate healthy relationships, and thrive in various aspects of their lives.

The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning in Schools

Schools play a vital role in fostering emotional intelligence in children. Recognizing the significance of social and emotional learning (SEL), educational institutions are increasingly dedicating resources to enhance students’ emotional development alongside their academics. SEL programs focus on five core competencies:

  1. Self-awareness: Helping children understand their emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.
  2. Self-management: Teaching children how to regulate their emotions, cope with stress, and make responsible decisions.
  3. Social awareness: Cultivating empathy and fostering a sense of compassion for others.
  4. Relationship skills: Equipping children with the necessary skills to form and maintain healthy relationships.
  5. Responsible decision-making: Empowering children to make informed decisions that consider the well-being of themselves and others.

By implementing evidence-based SEL programs and creating supportive learning environments, schools aim to enhance students’ emotional intelligence and overall success. Research studies have consistently shown that SEL programming leads to improved social skills, positive attitudes, increased empathic behavior, higher academic achievements, and overall life success.

For instance, a study conducted by Durlak et al. (2011) analyzed 213 school-based SEL programs involving over 270,000 students. The findings revealed that students who participated in these programs demonstrated significant improvements across various outcomes, including social-emotional skills, attitudes, positive social behaviors, and academic performance. Moreover, SEL has been associated with long-term benefits, such as decreased conduct problems and lower rates of emotional distress.

Benefit of SEL ProgramsEffect Size
Improved social-emotional skills0.33
Increased positive attitudes0.19
Enhanced social behaviors0.14

The importance of SEL in schools cannot be overstated. It equips children with essential skills to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships, manage their emotions, and make responsible decisions. By prioritizing social and emotional learning, schools help create a supportive and inclusive environment that enhances students’ overall well-being and prepares them for future success in both academic and life pursuits.

The Role of Parents in Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in Children

Parents play a critical role in fostering emotional skills in kids. While schools have started incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) into their curricula, it is important to recognize that emotional intelligence is not solely the responsibility of educational institutions. As parents, we have the power to actively contribute to our child’s emotional development and overall well-being.

Encouraging open communication is a foundational aspect of teaching emotional intelligence to kids. By creating a safe and non-judgmental space for our children to express their feelings, we can help them develop self-awareness and the ability to effectively communicate their emotions. This can be done through intentional and active listening, showing empathy, and validating their experiences.

Teaching problem-solving skills is another crucial aspect of fostering emotional intelligence in children. By engaging in problem-solving activities and offering guidance, we can help our kids develop resilience, critical thinking, and effective decision-making abilities. This not only strengthens their problem-solving skills but also equips them with the tools to navigate challenging situations with emotional intelligence.

Modeling emotional regulation is a powerful way to teach emotional intelligence to kids. Children observe and learn from our behaviors, so it is important that we showcase healthy ways of managing our own emotions. By demonstrating self-control, stress management techniques, and positive coping mechanisms, we can inspire our children to develop similar emotional regulation skills.

Investing in our children’s social and emotional development yields significant returns. Research studies have shown that children who receive guidance and support in developing emotional intelligence experience improved standardized test scores, lower conduct problems, and increased school commitment. By actively participating in our child’s emotional development, we set them up for academic achievement and life success.

Emotional Intelligence in Children

Benefits of Parental InvolvementEmotional Intelligence Outcomes
Improved communicationEnhanced self-awareness
Strong problem-solving skillsEffective emotion regulation
Positive role modelingIncreased empathy and understanding
Nurturing resilienceHealthy relationship management

Cultivating emotional intelligence in children is a joint effort between parents and schools. By actively engaging in our child’s emotional development, we contribute to their overall well-being and set them on a path towards success in life.


Cultivating emotional intelligence in children is vital for their future success and the well-being of society as a whole. As parents, we have a crucial role to play in building emotional intelligence in our children. By fostering open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and modeling emotional regulation, we empower our children to navigate the complexities of emotions and develop meaningful relationships.

Schools also recognize the importance of social and emotional learning (SEL) and are integrating it into their curricula. By incorporating SEL programs, schools provide children with essential tools to enhance their emotional intelligence, leading to improved academic performance and positive social behaviors.

The positive outcomes of SEL programs, along with the guiding principles provided by UNESCO, offer a clear roadmap for prioritizing emotional intelligence in children. By nurturing their emotional intelligence, we contribute to a brighter, more empathetic future where our children can thrive as emotionally intelligent individuals.


What is emotional intelligence in children?

Emotional intelligence in children involves four key aspects: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. It encompasses accurately assessing feelings, regulating emotions, empathizing with others, and establishing healthy relationships.

Why is emotional intelligence important for children?

Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future success and overall well-being. It helps children develop skills such as self-awareness, emotion regulation, empathy, and healthy relationship management, which are essential for academic achievement, positive social behaviors, and overall life success.

How can parents cultivate emotional intelligence in their children?

Parents can cultivate emotional intelligence in their children by encouraging open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and modeling emotional regulation. By actively participating in their child’s emotional development, parents contribute significantly to their overall well-being.

What is social and emotional learning in schools?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools focuses on teaching students five core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. By implementing evidence-based SEL programs and creating supportive learning environments, schools aim to enhance students’ emotional intelligence and overall success.

Why is social and emotional learning important in schools?

Social and emotional learning is important in schools because it leads to improved skills, attitudes, positive social behaviors, academic achievements, and life success. By prioritizing emotional intelligence in education, schools prepare students for future success in both academic and life pursuits.

How does All Hallows Preparatory School prioritize emotional intelligence?

All Hallows Preparatory School takes a holistic approach to education and prioritizes the emotional intelligence of its pupils. The school builds warm and trusting relationships with every child, focusing on emotional resilience and providing robust systems of care and support.